
Levantes Bruschetta- Fladenbrot mit Kohlrabi und Cherrytomaten
Levantine snacks that make you happy! The perfect starter for your next barbecue evening. Enchant your guests with this super quick and easy snack. The highlight: our Yallah Yallah spice mix, which was developed in collaboration with NENI. Enjoy the... zum Rezept
Maisribs mit Dukkah und Cheddar Cheese Dip
Delicious vegetarian spare ribs - there you go! Yes, you heard right! Our spare ribs are vegetarian and also super tasty! Combined with our S! Dukkah spice, this grilled dish will make vegetarian hearts beat faster. Add a cheddar cheese... zum Rezept
Schwarzbeeren BBQ-Sauce
This BBQ sauce with blackberries will ensure a truly enjoyable moment when barbecuing! This unusual-sounding combination is simply perfect for giving your next barbecue evening an extraordinary flavor! \n zum Rezept
Rezept: Mediterraner Nudelsalat mit Hendl vom Grill
Pasta salad - a childhood memory. Perfectly layered, simply brilliant for any party or family gathering. Katrin and Roland from BBQ Hiesenvillage have reinterpreted it - and prove in 2020: pasta salad always works. zum Rezept
Beef Burger gefüllt mit zweierlei Käse
The Westside BBQ team has come up with another one: this beef burger really has it all! The XL beef patty enjoys its bed of lamb's lettuce and its topping of caramelized onions. But the ultimate treat is hidden IN... zum Rezept