Ben Perry

Ceviche von der Forelle im Maistacco
Have you ever prepared a really delicious ceviche while camping? The traditional dish from Peru is made from raw fish, fresh lime juice, onions, chili and other spices and herbs. So that you can easily recreate the dish while camping,... zum Rezept
Schnell gebeizter Saibling auf Röstbrot mit Avocado, Zitronen- Creme Fraiche und Saiblingskaviar
Have you ever marinated a fish yourself? With our new spice mix S! Marinate , which we created together with the chef Ben Perry, it's now super easy to do. Marinating is a popular method of preparation. The fish is... zum Rezept
GrillgemĂŒse mit Hemp, Burrata und grĂŒnen Tomaten
Fiery and seductive with Ben Perry: grilled vegetables and creamy burrata in perfect symbiosis, prepared on the fire plate. The hemp seeds from our S! Crispy Hemp spice give our creation a unique note - sweet, nutty, simply irresistible. A... zum Rezept
Flammlachs von der Feuerschale mit Zitronenbutter und Sauerteigbrot
Tender flame-grilled salmon, lovingly prepared over a crackling wood fire. Ben Perry shows you how easy it is to conjure up a really delicious dish on the grill in no time at all. All you need is a flame-grilled salmon... zum Rezept
Sea Tagliatelle mit Garnelen, Miesmuscheln, getrockneten Tomaten, Oliven und Parmesan
Do you love seafood as much as we do and like trying something new? Then we have the perfect recipe for you, which you can even prepare "outdoors" on a gas cooker. Ben Perry shows us how it's done and... zum Rezept
RehrĂŒcken vom Feuer by Ben Perry
Fiery delights of the wild: saddle of venison perfected over an open flame! Discover the world of healthy game meat, refined with our exquisite S! Forest spice , created in collaboration with Ben Perry. In no time at all, you'll... zum Rezept