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Recipe: Potato-Leek-Gratin

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Recipe: Potato-Leek-Gratin

Potato casserole or potato gratin? Whichever name you choose: This classic always tastes good! The SPICEvips from BBQ Hiesenvillage give their gratin with Ländle raclette cheese the final touch – good for melting!


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Preheat the oven to 200°C circulating air.

Pre-cook the potatoes with peel for 15 minutes. Allow to cool, remove the shell and cut into slices.

Leek sauce:

Cut the onions into small pieces, clean the leek and cut into rings. Fry the leek and onions in clarified butter and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix everything well and deglaze with white wine. Then add the milk and whipped cream and bring to a boil.

For the first layer, grease the casserole dish, line with potatoes and add some leek sauce over it. Spread the raclette cheese on top and sprinkle with the raclette spices. Perform the 2nd layer in the same way.

Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for about 1 hour at 200°C.

Raclette spice:

Mix all spices and place them in an airtight and opaque container for storage.

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