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Recipe: Pasta homemade

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Recipe: Pasta homemade

Has it ever happened to you that you got cravings for pasta but don't have any at home? But but flour and durum wheat semolina are in your pantry? Then all you need is eggs and a little olive oil – nothing stands in the way of your homemade pasta. Even colorful noodles are quite easy to make.


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Are rolling pins and dough rollers ready? Then it's time to get started. And we'll give you a tip right away: It's also possible without a pasta machine!

Mix flour and durum wheat semolina with a pinch of salt in a bowl. Form a hollow in the middle. Put the eggs in here along with the olive oil and start mixing everything together. Now it's time to knead. The longer, the more flatter the dough becomes – you should let the dough pass through your hands for at least 10 minutes before it can rest for 30 minutes at room temperature wrapped in cling film.

For colorful noodles, colored with spinach powder, beetroot powder or turmeric, mix enough "color ingredient" with the flour-durum wheat semolina mixture before kneading. Our tip: Put on gloves. If the dough is too dry, you can add a drop of water.

Now divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll out the first part on a floured work surface as thin as possible or use your pasta machine and roll out the part plate as thin as it should be. Not too thin, so that a good bite is preserved after cooking. 

This is also done with the three remaining subspheres and let them dry briefly for 15 minutes on the floured worktop. If you have a ribbon noodle attachment with you on the pasta machine, you can cut the dough plates with it. Otherwise, sprinkle the dough plates with a little flour, roll them together and cut ribbon noodles in the desired width by hand with a sharp knife. 

Now give the noodles another 30 minutes of dry time before they are boiled in boiling salted water al dente. Che bella! 

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