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Recipe: One Pot Pasta with Chorizo

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Recipe: One Pot Pasta with Chorizo

You love ratz-fatz dishes just like we do? Then our One Pot Pasta recipe with chorizo, cocktail tomatoes and our STAY SPICED ! Caprese spice just right for you. Our tip: The One Pot Pasta is also the perfect dinner after a hard day's work.


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First of all, we prepare, because that's the A &O with One Pot Pasta! So: peel garlic and chop finely, cut onion into thin strips, halve cocktail tomatoes, cut chorizo into thin slices or strips – depending on how you prefer to eat the Spanish sausage with your pasta. Or replace chorizo with bacon if you don't have the Spanish sausage at home, it will taste just as good.

Now everything goes into the "pot" – either a large pot or a high pan in which all ingredients have good space. First, the pot is filled with half a liter of water, then the pasta, chorizo, cocktail tomatoes, onion, garlic and olive oil are added. Very important: Already now comes the Caprese spice from STAY SPICED ! – our motto is always "less is more", you can still season individually with Fleur de Sel Mediterranean or chili salt for the fiery among you. Now bring everything to a boil together, then switch down and simmer for about 10-12 minutes. IMPORTANT: Do not forget to stir again and again!

The pasta is ready when it is al dente and there is no more water in the pot, but a creamy, thick sauce. If the pasta is still too old for you, just add some water to the pot and let the noodles steep a little.

Shortly before serving, stir the freshly grated Parmesan or Pecorino into the One Pot Pasta. If you want, you can then "heat" individually at the table with ground red jalapeno chili from the STAY SPICED ! Season the chilli shelf .

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