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Asian soup from the blender

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Asian soup from the blender

You expect guests, but don't have much time for the preparations? Then this soup with many Asian flavors is something for you. Simply put the ingredients in a blender and cook them afterwards. After just a few minutes, your appetizer is ready to serve. You can add peppers and chili raw to the blender or give them roasted aromas with a grill or a grill pan.

The spice mixture "Smoky Curry" convinces especially by its light smoke aroma. The curry powder combines all the ingredients without being too dominant. If you want to serve the soup vegan, just leave out the prawns.


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Grill the chilies, the small peppers, the sliced lime without oil on a grill or with a grill pan. This gives them light roasted aromas. Peel the ginger and remove the upper part of the small peppers and chili. Press out the juice of the lime. Combine the coconut milk, the curry powder, the peppers, the corn, the peanut butter, the salt and the chili in the cup of a blender.

Mix all the ingredients into a smooth soup and transfer it to a saucepan.

Let the soup cook carefully for about 3 minutes, occasionally turning it over.

Serve your soup in bowls and spread a few leaves of coriander over it.

Optional: Add the shrimp to the soup and let everything cook lightly for another 5 minutes to make the seafood cook.

Serve the shrimp by putting them on a wooden skewer and placing them on the edge of the terrines.

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