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Recipe: Mango Curry

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Recipe: Mango Curry

Light, fruity, delicious!!!
This mango curry is perfect at any time of the year. With us it is very popular on our vegetarian days... with the heat and the vegetables you can also vary great. So the curry is always a bit different.


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Clean the vegetables, peel and cut into bite-sized pieces or strips. Finely chop the garlic.

Then sauté the vegetables (carrots, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, garlic) in a wok or a pan one after the other or if the pan allows you can also put everything in the pan, starting with the carrots, as they take a little longer.

Finally, the mango pieces and sugar snap peas are added. Then pour in the coconut milk, the curry paste and the spices and simmer briefly.

Before serving, the chives come over it.

Simply cook the rice according to the package leaflet and serve with the mango curry.

Our tip: To highlight the mango taste, the mango curry from S! perfect to round off the taste of the dish.

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