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Roland Trettls: Buchteln with vanilla sauce

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Roland Trettls: Buchteln with vanilla sauce

Buchteln with vanilla sauce – the name of the Austrian dessert classic alone makes our mouths water! The popular Buchteln are even more ingenious when they are prepared according to the recipe of top chef Roland Trettl. With homemade vanilla sauce, the new Germ yeast dough & Reindling spice from STAY SPICED ! and of course the legendary TNT sugar.


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Buchteln: Knead all ingredients into a dough for 10 minutes. Let the dough rise for 1 hour. Then divide the dough into pieces weighing 65 g. Take a piece and press flat on a floured work surface. Place the jam in the middle and close. Grind the piece with the filled jam on the work surface to get a nice shape.

Place the pieces close to each other in a mold greased with butter and flour and let it rise for another 30 minutes. In the meantime, heat the oven to 210°C hot air with a water-filled bowl. (Attention shell must be heat resistant!)
Brush the Buchteln with milk and bake for 8 minutes at 210°C, then reduce the heat to 170°C and bake again for 15 minutes.

Vanilla sauce: Bring the whole milk and cream to a boil in a saucepan. Slit the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape out the vanilla pulp. Add both to the milk-cream mixture. Put the yolks in a metal boiler. Add the granulated sugar and mix with a whisk. Place the kettle over a hot water bath and beat the mixture slightly creamy. Pour in the hot vanilla cream and mix well with the whisk. Stir the mixture over the hot water bath with a rubber spatula and peel off "to the rose". The sample is done by taking some mass with a wooden spoon and blowing on it. If a wave- or ring-like pattern is formed, which is reminiscent of a rose petal, the desired consistency is achieved. Proceed carefully and heat the mixture slowly, it must never boil (maximum 80 ° C), otherwise there are scrambled eggs. Remove the vanilla sauce from the water bath and place it in a cold water bath to cool down.

Sprinkle the finished Buchteln with icing sugar and serve with vanilla sauce.

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