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Roland Trettls: Bratwurst with Bos! S Spice Blend

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Roland Trettls: Bratwurst with Bos! S Spice Blend

Do you know the ingenious Currywurst as a snack for in between? The elongated bun, filled with sausages, spicy mustard, onions and parsley is widely known – the STAY SPICED provides the crowning (curry) conclusion! Bos! S spice. And the matching recipe is provided by top chef and SPICEteam member Roland Trettl himself!


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Braised onion: Halve the onion and cut into fine strips. Melt butter in a saucepan and add the onion and stew softly over low heat.

Marinated vegetables: Emulsify the Chardonnay vinegar with the brown butter and season with salt and honey. Cut the beetroot and the pointed cabbage into fine strips. Mix some of the pointed cabbage with the beetroot. Cut the spring leek into long thin rings.

Mustard Majon: Put Dijon mustard and medium-hot mustard together with the yolk in a kettle and stir. Trickle the grape seed oil slowly with constant stirring.  Chop the parsley very finely and add mayonnaise to the mustard. Season with salt and Bos!s spice.

Serve: Halve the hot rolls and brush with the mustard majo. Spread the braised onions, the spicy fried sausages on top and sprinkle with curry powder. Then place the marinated vegetables on the sausages. Squeeze everything slightly and wrap it in a baking paper.

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