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Recipe: Make your own tonic syrup

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Recipe: Make your own tonic syrup

You've already made your own homemade gin – and you only need your own DIY tonic so you can serve your homemade gin and tonic? Then you have to read here. With a recipe from our SPICEvips Kathi's Küchenstadl and the spices of the SPICEWORLD spice manufactory, you can get started right away!


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Bring all the spices in the water to a boil with the citric acid, pinch of salt, lemon and orange juice. Then turn back the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Make sure that it no longer cooks, otherwise it will become inedible due to the bitter Chinese bark.

Then filter the liquid through tights into a clean pot. Add the sugar and simmer for another 10 minutes. Fill the syrup hot into clean bottles. The syrup lasts a very long time in the refrigerator.

For the perfect gin and tonic, put a finger's width of tonic syrup in a glass, then add a finger's width of gin and pour in soda. The DIY Gin Tonic is ready!

Have fun tasting tonic & #stayspiced

Weitere Rezepte

Recipe: Make your own gin

You like gin and tonic, gin fizz, Munich Mule or other trendy cocktails with gin and have always wondered if you can make gin yourself at home? Then we can tell you: Yes, that's possible.

