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Bread spice "rustic" coarsely ground with black cumin

If you have always wanted to bake your own bread, STAY SPICED ! now the right bread spice exactly for that! For a special, rustic moment of enjoyment. Did you know that black cumin is also often used in medicine?


There are no limits to the use and especially the combination , because the bread can also be enjoyed with honey or jam, for example. In addition, the mixture is recommended for a fine-spicy Franconian herb bread.

Good to know

Homemade bread - which smells and tastes and makes cravings for the next piece. With this finely tuned composition of selected spices, you will conjure up a hearty farmer's bread that tastes great even without side dishes! Depending on taste - about 1 tablespoon to 500g of flour.

Matching recipes too Bread spice "rustic" coarsely ground with black cumin

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Recipe: Spicy farmer's bread

Marco Ringpfeil alias Gluthelden is faithful STAY SPICED ! Gewürzfan and has even created his own private label together with our spice experts for everything related to cooking & grilling with the Dutch Oven. Here he tells us the recipe of his spicy farmer's bread from the original pot Dutch Oven (but also works perfectly in any other vessel and in the oven). Let's go!

the taste

The ingredients caraway, coriander, fennel, anise and pepper are completed by black cumin.

Caraway, coriander, black cumin, fennel, anise, pepper.
item number:
Recommended for:
1000 g
country of origin:
kühl, dunkel und trocken lagern!
Average nutritional values per

100 g

calorific value

565.41 kJ


136.67 kCal


9.12 g

- saturated with it

1.13 g


0.01 g


4.44 g

- of which sugars

4.23 g


5.08 g


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Bread spice "rustic" coarsely ground with black cumin