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Recipe: Crust bread with alpine herbs

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Recipe: Crust bread with alpine herbs

Such a sandwich with chives ... a cheese bread with some black gold ... a beef tartare with toasted black bread: heart, what more could you want? And if you like to bake yourself, you should definitely use the recipe of SPICEvip BBQ Hiesenvillage for crust bread with S! Try alpine herbs bread spice. A highlight for every bread fan!


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First dissolve the germ in lukewarm water. Then put all the ingredients in the food processor, add the Germ water and knead into a dough. Cover the dough and let it rise for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle rye flour on the worktop and form the bread dough on top into a round bread. Put baking paper on a baking tray and let the bread rest on it for another 10 minutes.

In the meantime, heat the oven to 230°. Spray the bread with water and sprinkle with rye flour and turn it on to the highest steam level in the oven.

Hint: If you do not have a steam function, simply add 2 ice cubes in the oven. The total baking time is about 48 minutes. Turn the oven back to 200° after 20 minutes.

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