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Recipe: Steckerlfisch

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Recipe: Steckerlfisch

Se venite nel Salzkammergut, specialmente nella regione intorno al lago Traunsee intorno a Gmunden, Ebensee o Altmünster, sapete che questo non è un "fast food", ma che i dettagli determinano il gusto.


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Cup all the fish before seasoning them. It is best to cut very tightly, with a distance of about five millimeters, at an angle. Cupping is therefore important in order to pluck the meat well with your fingers without bones after grilling. Here you will find an explanatory video on the subject of cupping.

After cupping, season the fish both inside and outside with one tablespoon each of our Barbecue for Champions Rusty Fish Rubs. This consists of a harmonious spice mixture of paprika, coriander, sea salt, garlic and many other spices and fits perfectly for a grandiose Steckerlfisch from the grill.

Let the fish rest briefly for at least a few minutes so that the spices can be absorbed beautifully. In general, the longer the spiced fish rest, the more intensely the taste of the spices is absorbed into the fish.

Now put the fish on the wooden skewers – preferably through the mouth and through the tip of the tail. Now place them with your belly down over the well-annealed charcoal and turn the fish from time to time so that all sides become nice and crispy. After about 15 to 20 minutes, the plug fish are ready depending on the size.

Voilá! Have fun cooking & good luck!

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