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Bruschetta Noble Mushroom

With the Bruschetta noble mushroom from STAY SPICED ! can be refined in no time any mushroom dish. Everything you need is in here!


The mushroom desire is great, but there is no fresh mushroom at hand? No problem! Thanks to Bruschetta noble mushroom from STAY SPICED ! you have the fine mushrooms on your plate in no time at all. Simply prepare water and olive oil in equal parts, mix in bruschetta noble mushroom and mix to a homogeneous paste. The delicious dip or spread, which can also be individually refined with almonds, cream cheese or Parmesan, is ready!

Good to know

Bruschetta spice with warm water and Mix olive oil (equal amounts) to a homogeneous paste and leave to infuse for a few hours. Refine with almonds, Parmesan cheese and cream cheese as desired.

Matching recipes too Bruschetta Noble Mushroom

Recipe: Colorful salad with mushrooms, avocado and mushroom bruschetta

Attention salad lovers: In this recipe from SPICEvip food-stories, crunchy leaf salad meets fresh mushrooms and creamy avocado – a combination to kneel down! As a crispy component there is Mediterranean mushroom bruschetta, seasoned with the new STAY SPICED ! Spice Bruschetta noble mushroom. Have you become curious? Then get to the salad!



the taste

Fruity tomato flakes, dried and finely ground herb mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms, shallots, finest sea salt, black pepper from Brazil and other noble pure spices unite in STAY SPICED ! Bruschetta Edelpilz to a spice mixture that every mushroom lover must have in the kitchen.


With bruschetta mushroom from STAY SPICED ! you can conjure up delicious mushroom dishes with lots of taste in a flash. For this, water and olive oil are simply prepared in equal parts and with the Bruschetta noble mushroom from STAY SPICED ! stirred until all ingredients become a homogeneous paste. Refine as desired with almonds, Parmesan cheese and/or cream cheese and add to the mushroom dish. It is the ideal spice mix for mushroom dishes of all kinds – from mushroom soup and mushroom goulash to grilled and fried mushrooms to ravioli with mushroom filling, mushroom risotto and baked mushrooms.  With its fine spice harmony, Bruschetta Edelpilz rounds off the dishes full-bodied, without covering up the wonderful taste of the mushrooms. We hope you enjoy tasting and cooking with STAY SPICED ! Bruschetta noble mushroom.

Tomatoes, Vitus organic mushrooms dried, shallots, untreated sea salt (non-iodized), leek, mustard, pepper, caraway, garlic, thyme, parsley, oregano, onion.
item number:
Recommended for:
230 g
Degree of sharpness:
country of origin:


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Bruschetta Noble Mushroom