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Kala-Namak salt fine

For fans of Indian cuisine, we have created an unusual spice blend that is more aromatic spice than salt.


Kala Namak is the traditional topping on "raitas", with yogurt, cucumbers and tomatoes. In Hindi, Kala Namak means "black salt", which initially distinguishes rock salt from the white halites. 

Good to know

In Indian cuisine, Kala Namak is not used for salting, but for mineralizing and especially for flavoring. The spice and aroma of this salt go well with exotic fruits, chutneys, vegetables and fish.

Matching recipes too Kala-Namak salt fine

Recipe: Vegan scrambled eggs with S! Curcuma & Kala-Namak Salt

You eat vegan, but are really in the mood for "scrambled eggs"? Then we have the perfect salt for your perfect taste experience in the assortment: Kala Namak salt gives your vegan scrambled eggs that certain extra! Try it for yourself, you'll love it!

the taste

However, Kala Namak is rather brownish-red to pink. In addition to the coloring iron, it contains magnesium and a low concentration of hydrogen sulfide, which makes up the typical sulfurous smell.

item number:
1000 g
country of origin:
kühl, dunkel und trocken lagern!


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Kala-Namak salt fine