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Beef Brisket - Barbecue Rub

With the S! Beef Brisket Barbecue Rub succeeds not only delicate beef breast from the BBQ smoker
Beef Brisket, also known as beef breast, is just good enough for many as soup meat. But you would have missed a culinary highlight! Because with a BBQ smoker, the STAY SPICED ! Beef Brisket Barbecue Rub and some time it becomes such a juicy and delicate taste experience that the beef melts in your mouth.


STAY SPICED ! Beef Brisket Barbecue Rub – the Dry Rub for delicately cooked beef breast
For a classic beef brisket, you first remove the fat layer on the top of the beef breast, you will only see interspersed meat. Important: The fat on the underside remains on it, because it protects the brisket from the heat when cooking in the BBQ Smoker and is only removed before serving when cutting. Then you distribute generously the STAY SPICED ! Beef Brisket Barbecue Rub on the beef breast and lets it soak in for about three hours.

Then grill the beef brisket indirectly at 110-120 degrees – the smoking process takes about 4-5 hours, then the beef breast should have reached about 65 degrees core temperature. Then you wrap the Beef Brisket in aluminum foil or Pink Butcher Paper, then the beef breast needs another 2-3 hours until it has reached a core temperature of 90 degrees. Now it should be tender and juicy.

Good to know

The noble sweet-spicy spice mixture of Hungarian paprika powder, numerous exquisite herbs, best Mexican ancho chili and many delicious Ingredients give the Beef Brisket an authentic, American barbecue taste.

the taste

The noble sweet-spicy spice mixture of Hungarian paprika powder, numerous exquisite herbs, the best Mexican ancho chili and many delicious ingredients gives the Beef Brisket an authentic, American barbecue taste.

untreated sea salt, spices( including CELERY, MUSTARD, paprika, ancho chili, caraway, pepper, garlic, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, cayenne chili), smoked salt, sugar, aroma from beech smoke.
item number:
Recommended for:
1000 g
country of origin:
nach dem Öffnen kühl und dunkel lagern!
Average nutritional values per

100 g

calorific value

993.84 kJ


237.72 kCal


7.72 g

- saturated with it

1.26 g


25.88 g


25.87 g

- of which sugars

21.17 g


9.14 g


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Beef Brisket - Barbecue Rub