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Basil rubbed - original Thuringian

Who doesn't love basil? Basil tastes aromatic-spicy and slightly cooling. Fresh basil leaves exude a beguiling scent, which is quickly lost during cooking. Therefore, it is best to pluck or cut the fresh herb and only add it to the food towards the end of the cooking time or before serving.


You will especially appreciate and love this exquisite basil for your favorite Italian and French dishes! It is the "friend of the tomato" and harmonizes perfectly with oregano, thyme and rosemary.

This Mediterranean spice highlight smells intensely of summer and refines all fresh vegetables. Excellent for pesto, pizza, pasta, salads, dressings, cottage cheese. Indispensable for the tomatoes – whether in the soup, in the sauce or in the tomato salad.
Also excellent for pepperoni, eggplant, sauerkraut, beans, spinach and cucumber vegetables. For thick vegetable soups, pea, lentil and white bean dishes. For hearty coal stews and vegetable juice drinks as well as for spicy salad and herbal sauces, especially the sauce Vinaigrette.

A classic application is "Insalata Caprese" (Capri salad) made from tomato slices topped with mozzarella and basil. Try basil with liver, lamb and mushrooms as well.


Good to know

Do not cook the grated basil, but only add it towards the end of the preparation or before serving. This is how the full taste unfolds most intensely.

the taste

This exquisite basil from STAY SPICED ! presents itself incomparably powerful in taste! It impresses with its stimulating peppery and restrained sweet note. Slightly cooling and refreshing Mediterranean!


Basil – also called king's herb – comes from India and was brought to the West by traders. Over the centuries, it has also become native to Europe. The fresh and dried basil leaves of the annual plant, which grows up to 50 cm high, serve as a seasoning.The basil plant belongs to the plant family of the lip flower family. The best harvest time is just before flowering.

item number:
1000 g
country of origin:
kühl, dunkel und trocken lagern!
Average nutritional values per

100 g

calorific value

195 kJ


46.6 kCal


0.8 g

- saturated with it

0 g


0 g


4.6 g

- of which sugars

0.3 g


3.1 g


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Basil rubbed - original Thuringian