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Asparagus, strawberry and olive with S! Cyprus Hills – Holiday Spice

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Asparagus, strawberry and olive with S! Cyprus Hills – Holiday Spice

Do you already know the ingenious recipes from Tom Heinzle's book "Vegetarian Grilling"? Since the barbecue season is in full swing, fire chef Tom Heinzle provides us with a tasty, light veggie grilled dish. For finalization, the Cyprus Hill spice mixture from STAY SPICED ! are not missing. For a fruity-Mediterranean pleasure!


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Cut off the woody ends of the asparagus and cut into small cubes. Remove the peppers from the core casing and also cut into small cubes. Heat a little olive oil in the grillwok. Add the asparagus and pepper cubes and fry while stirring constantly. Finely chop the spring onion and stir in. Then deglaze everything with white wine and cook until firm to the bite. Finally with the STAY SPICED ! Season Cyprus Hills spice.

Halve the strawberries lengthwise and grill the cut surface briefly over high direct heat. Now grill the asparagus all around over direct heat (200-240°C) for about 5-6 minutes until it gets roasted aromas and is soft.

Now arrange the asparagus stalks and strawberries with the asparagus-pepper-spring onion ragout and decorate with some Parmesan and chopped olives.

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